My artist name is LR. I love art, espeially clay and watercolor. I usually create grusom and morbid peices. Sometimes I create calm and relaxing peices.
Art is one of my many passtions. Art makes me feel good about myself when a piece is done. I have been doing art classes for as long as I can remember. I love walking into an art class and making something uniquly me. I use several types of medias but my favorites are clay and water color. I love creating pieces out of nothing. I usually create dark or morbid stuff, but I sometimes create happy or calming pieces. I often create pieces based on my origial characters and their emotons in the moment of my art. One of my pieces is going to be a water color painting of a world I created last semester. I created it to look like an old class photo. Everything is part of the art, including the matt, frame, and glass. I did this by smashing some of the glass. Another piece is a scratch board painting of what I consider to be my guardian angle. My final piece is a drawing of a heart with my own spin on it.